Names for your chicks


8 Years
Feb 12, 2011
Any crazy or cute names out there? We're starting to name ours now that we've had them for a week and have noted some distinct personality differences.

We have 12 hen and their names are as follows: Daisy, Sky, Scout, Mystery, Bridget, Liz, Zoe, Goldie, Annabeth, Spice, Nutmeg, and Pumpkin.

Now I`ll list them by breed.

The Buffy Bridgade includes Spice, Nutmeg, Pumpkin, Goldie, and Zoe.

The Red Hens (RIRs) include Annabeth, Daisy, and Scout.

Mystery is a Plymouth Rock. And she talks alot.

Sky and Bridget are Amerucanas.

And Liz is mutt.
We have in the chick section:
Rika, AKA Q-tip: white silkie with a HUGE crest.
Limpy Loudmouth: White silkie who had a crooked toe and limped, and was the loudest of the bunch.
Cuddlepuff: Splash silkie
Chipmunk: Partridge silkie
Metallica: Blue silkie
Pouf: White silkie.
And i put 4 sebright eggs under a hen yesterday... names unknown!
My roos are named Firecracker and Col. Sanders(EE). Firecracker is a gold laced polish and it looks like the feathers on his head are fireworks display. I don't have many hens named but we do have Black Beauty (EE), Gray(EE), Pennie(mottled houdan) and Blue Belle (blue polish)
We have four Rhode Island Reds and their names are Frank-N-Furter, Magenta, Rocky, and Riff-Raff, and we have two Easter Eggers and their names are Mickey Knox and Mallory Knox.

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