naming chickens

mine are
dottie-possible roo so it might be changed

and panda
I used to have an exbattery hen i called atilla the hun, she was so feisty!! lol
Naming them is sooo much fun, wait till you get them and names will magically come to you,
Here are some ideas for th barred rocks:

Mayflower (Their full name is Plymouth Barred Rocks :D )

And for the Buff Orpingtons:

Tawny (my buffie's name :) )
Buffie (Another one of ours' names)
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I let my son name our four hens. He chose three boys names and one girl. Connor, Dr Oliver, Ethan and Keira. All named after Power Rangers. ha! ( he's six )
Our newest were named by my kids: Katniss, Ginny, and Churchill.
I have a middle school son reading Hunger Games (Katniss), a younger son into Harry Potter (Ginny) and a teenage daugher obsessed with world history (Churchill)!

The last time I let the kids name our chickens, one ended up with the name "The Magic Chicken of Alexandria". We called her Magic.

PS Love those Power Ranger chickens!!
Our newest were named by my kids: Katniss, Ginny, and Churchill.
I have a middle school son reading Hunger Games (Katniss), a younger son into Harry Potter (Ginny) and a teenage daugher obsessed with world history (Churchill)!

The last time I let the kids name our chickens, one ended up with the name "The Magic Chicken of Alexandria". We called her Magic.

PS Love those Power Ranger chickens!!
awesome. lol my user name is one of our old chickens....also named by my son. ;)
I like naming them with a theme in mind. We named ours after Dragon Age characters.

Barred Rock - Wynn
Easter Egger - Merrill
Australorp - Morrigan
Brahma - Andraste, bride of the maker!
I love themes too! All of our are named for herbs/spices. Basil, Sage, and Thyme. I also have two new girls that I haven't settled on names yet but I am thinking maybe Cloves and Saffron.

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