Nasty Rooster?


Jul 29, 2015
Lancaster CA
We have 12 hens and 1 rooster. I have noticed in the last few days that 3 of the hens have very sparse feathers on their necks and some of their tail feathers have been pulled out! One chicken looks like one of her eyes has been injured. I am suspecting the rooster because he is ornery. I haven't seen him doing it but I wonder if he picks on them when they are in the coop? Anyway we have separated him and locked him in a shed. I am seriously considering getting rid of him! They are my girls and I don't need him at all if he acts like that. Unless someone has some other idea of how their feathers are coming out, he is history!
You have to remember that a rooster does not have hands to hold on with during business transactions.. Feathers are all he can grab. I do not have any roosters, so my girls ALL have beautiful necks.. A long time ago I purchase a hen from a broken home .. LOL LOL. She had no feathers on her neck. At first sight, the thought came to name her Chernobyl. In short time her feather came back. She was BEAUTIFUL.. Name stayed..


The only reason you need a rooster is if you want fertile eggs for hatching. If you just want your girls for egg-laying, they'll do just fine (maybe even better) without Romeo around. If you want to keep the rooster, you might need to put aprons on the girls so their feathers grow back.

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Totally agree with NorthFlchick. Not only can roosters overbreed and damage their hens, the mean ones will also go after humans, especially children. Flocks are much more harmonious without a rooster.

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