natural chicken birth

Australorps and Rhode Island Reds are good layers and friendly birds. They done well during the winter months. Any breed will need shelter to roost in at night and to keep them warm in the winter with a heat source such as heat lamp (which will also serve the 14 hours of light purpose to keep them laying). We started with 6 hens and one rooster (for protecting the hens). Chickens on average lay 2 eggs every 3 days each if that kinda helps you figure out how many you need to provide for your family. I personally would get your feet wet with 4-6 and then add to it next year. Regardless of how many you get you will decide half way thru it you didnt get enough unless you get so many you overwhelm yourself. Good luck!!! You typically can buy day old chicks from the feed stores you should buy the sex you want such as pullets (hens) instead of a straight run where you dont know what sex you are getting.
I see you're from Wisconsin so I'd suggest you go to the Index-go to Chickstocks,......-scroll down to "Bigzio 1st Annual Chickstock in Wisconsin" and sign-up and go to this get together if at all possible (WI is a big state so maybe too far). You will meet BYCers who will be more than happy to "talk chicken", or any other fowl, with you. Of course, you can find everything you need to know here, but I think you'd learn so much from some "one-on-one" discussions. Just a warning.................chickens are'll always want more!!

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