NatureSmart layer pellets - pellets too big?


5 Years
Dec 19, 2014
Hi all, I recently got a new bag of NatureSmart Layer pellets for my birds - and the pellets are larger than I remember from previous times I've used it. The pellets are about 1/8" in diameter, and approximately 1/3" long. My birds look at it, and then walk away. They were happy with the "crumbles" before - but they wasted more than they ate, so I thought I'd try to get them to be more frugal.

Do you all use these larger pellets, and whats the secret to get the birds to try them? Put them in a bowl with water? :) Or, is it just a question of "when they get hungry enough, they'll eat them"?

I posted the other day about a sick chicken, and she seems to have gotten better without any interaction, for whatever reason.

I use fermented feed which is just my feed soaked for a few days to creat great probiotics and nutrients. This allows me to use the large pellets or crumbles for my day old chicks since the feed is softened and partially digested by good bacteria.

If the pellets are actually to big you can put them in a blender and make them smaller. If the size is alright but they are just turning their beaks up it, it might be just because it is different. Chickens do not like change. Leave the feed out, take away another feed or treats and they will begin to eat it

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