Naughty Turkey - HELP!

Thank youy all!!!! You have convinced me NOT to get turkeys.
Turkeys are the greastest! You can't let a rouge tom run you off! Most toms are super sweet. I have about 10 mature toms right now and not a mean one.
I suspect if you read any of the "Rooster attack" posts, you would might also want to avoid chickens. I instead like to look at it as the bird is volunteering to fill an opening in the freezer division of the company. And everyone like a volunteer... with a side of mash potatoes & gravy.
Thanks for easing my mind. I have had some very mean ganders and I don't want anything that mean again.

vtgirls, I hope everything works out for your and your mean tom
SO - YAY - he is moved - the husband did not want to wait for dark or follow advice (of course

Instead: he got a big plastic bucket, stepped into the hoop house and chucked it right over the top of him.
Then he slid the lid under him and clicked it shut - viola -turkey in a tub.
Picked him up, carried him over and let him in.
Of course no scale - guess him about 30 pounds - will know for sure in June.
He was so scared he was frozen stiff and cried for an hour.
Then we let our husky out, who ran over to investigate and was greeted by attack turkey talons through the fence.
One scared doggy and one tough tom.
The other turkeys - happy as pie!

Will get a picture in the day - too dark now after getting the kids dinner and to bed...
Thanks to you all again!
Ha! I sure hope he doesnt even look at a turkey ever again! Last fall he caught a couple chickens - that problem is fixed - 500 feet of fenced pasture for the chickies later...
Here's the tom:
Here's the husky (he's actually half pyrenese but has husky brain)

So now the only question left is.....will he ever stop gobbling at the TOP of his lungs - the other turkeys arent even answering, just going about their business!???
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