Near Catastrophe in the Brooder Box

Thanks for your kind thoughts, guys. And I appreciate you sharing your stories with me. Mudhen, I'm sorry to hear about your chick. What a clever solution with the pie tin!

Well, the night that the original chick got trapped, I had gone out to check and ANOTHER chick was trapped under that container. She had been under there longer, and was panting when I let her out. Well, that decided it for me, and I pulled that container out altogether. It was supposed to HELP them, not be a safety hazard! Anyway, my across the street neighbor came over yesterday. She's moving, so gave me 3 really long feeders, and 3 of the larger size plastic waterers! What an angel, she solved my problem completely! The girls are adjusting to the feeder (which is staying cleaner than the old for some strange reason) and it's staying full again. Plus I have extras for in the coop
Everyone is happy and healthy, and I don't have to bite my nails anymore. I can't believe how fast they grow! Seems like they were tiny sleepy babies two weeks ago! Wait.. oh yeah, they WERE!

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