Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Got our chicks today! 4 Rhode Island Reds

My broody is on her chicks. Set 10. 5 hatched, 5 smelled to high heaven, one chick-male legbar fell from broody box and died. I didn't dare move them to the grow out nest last night due to the crazy cold temps. I wasn't keeping him anyway.

This hen will not be allowed to hatch again. She wasn't smart enough to get up and eat and drink or kick out clearly rotten eggs. We'll see how she does at raising them.

I am looking for a couple chicks but couldn't remember how close to Omaha you are. I saw your post about cream legbar and I would love one of those and a Marans. I don't need now, I could wait until later. I think I am getting close to retiring a couple of my girls. I have 3 pullets that started laying in late January and 3 girls who are 3 and 5. The 5 year old BBS Orpington Bertha still lays 2-3 eggs a week so not sure what to do with her. :) she is almost always broody in the late spring early summer so I might try to rehe her to someone who needs a broody. I also have a silkie who is comical also goes broody a lot but doesn't really lay anymore, not that she was ever awesome at laying to begin with.

I am looking for a couple chicks but couldn't remember how close to Omaha you are. I saw your post about cream legbar and I would love one of those and a Marans. I don't need now, I could wait until later. I think I am getting close to retiring a couple of my girls. I have 3 pullets that started laying in late January and 3 girls who are 3 and 5. The 5 year old BBS Orpington Bertha still lays 2-3 eggs a week so not sure what to do with her. :) she is almost always broody in the late spring early summer so I might try to rehe her to someone who needs a broody. I also have a silkie who is comical also goes broody a lot but doesn't really lay anymore, not that she was ever awesome at laying to begin with.
someone here was looking for a broody.

Gretna outlet mall is my halfway meeting point for omaha. Cream legbars, marans, ameraucanas

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