Need a shoulder to cry on....and coyote question


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
Our cat Inky has disappeared. Just in the past twenty four hours, but he has never been gone that long. He goes out every night, has for the past eight years, and he's back every morning for breakfast or by lunchtime anyway. He is my constant companion during the day and I miss him terribly. He went out last night and never came home. I am feeling terribly guilty, because a couple of days ago I put "natural" flea repellant on him. It has clove oil, eucalyptus oil, and peppermint oil, in it. Needless to say you could smell him two or three rooms away. It was like a cloud around his head and I'm sure HE couldn't smell anything besides that stuff. I have never used it before.

I think that the flea stuff may have acted as a magnet, and made him highly obvious to coyotes. I really think that he has probably been killed by one, as I can't imagine why else he would simply vanish. He is neutered, and,as I said, never strays for long. Our other cats were very jumpy this evening when the sun was going down, and they didn't want to stay out, another reason that makes me thinks the coyotes are around.

Does anyone else have an opinion about this? Would the flea stuff act as an attractant for the coyotes, or would they notice him more because of it?? I would think they wouldn't want to go near that stuff, but who knows! Inky is almost eight years old and has been dealing with a little bit of arthritis, he hasn't been as agile as he once was, and has difficulty jumping and climbing.

I miss him so.
We've had him since a kitten.
I imagine that stinky stuff would have masked his cat smell...I doubt it caused a coyote to find him easier. Cats tend to hide if they are sick or injured, so look, look, look for him. Check everywhere you can think of, my cats have been locked in barns, sheds, garages, (ours or the neighbors) the basement, the attic and once my cat Molly even got herself shut in the trunk of my car when I was unloading groceries- just sheer luck that we found her. I have had my cats disappear occasionally but then turn up a day or more later, who knows where they go. Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Thank you I hope you are right, it certainly makes sense. He's been going out every night all those years, know he's had to have seen coyotes before and should be savvy about's just he's such a homebody normally. We wlll keep looking we have looked everywhere inside and out though...haven't asked the neighbors yet. the coyotes use our driveway as a road a lot of times... from our woods to the fields across the road...we see their tracks frequently in snow or mud, as well as their droppings, and see one once in a while, as well as hear them of course.. But we have lived here for 19 years and had lots of cats and small dogs and never had any casualties from the coyotes.....
I think that the scent would perhaps even deter the coyotes as it might smell too human. Keep looking, I had a cat missing for 4 days. I was quite distraught as well. Good luck.
Was in the breezeway soaking wet (it had been raining) and exhausted. He came in, ate breakfast, and crashed, has been sleeping all day. I think he must have been caught somewhere...either up a tree, or in a livetrap, or somewhere. Wish I knew where, but that will never happen.....anyway, thanks everyone! WE are sure relieved.
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HE CAME BACK THIS MORNING!  :ya Was in the breezeway soaking wet (it had been raining) and exhausted.  He came in, ate breakfast, and crashed, has been sleeping all day.  I think he must have been caught somewhere...either up a tree, or in a livetrap, or somewhere.  Wish I knew where, but that will never happen.....anyway, thanks everyone!  WE are sure relieved. :) it when that happens!

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