Need a snake alarm! Can Guineas help me?

here is detail for the end.

For mice or rats. the door is rests on something to keep it open, like a AA battery.

For this application, a nail in the wall would do, or make a hole in the coop wall and insert a short piece of the same pipe as you use for the trap and secure the small piece in place. The door rests on the short piece and the trap lines up with the short piece. When the trap tilts, the door is lifted clear and swings closed.

Excellent detail. Thank you so much. I'm going to make one for my big house and one for the brooder. I also have a rat problem so maybe I'll catch a few of those as well!

Thanks again, I really appreciate it!
Rats are very different to mice in one way. Mice will eat the same poison until it is finished or walk into the same trap every time.

Rats are smarter, they wait and watch other rats, have 'soldiers' and suicide types, and learn fast to avoid things. The only way to stop rats is easy though, you must physically block their entry points to the house. This is the only way to stop them. Otherwise you get an endless stream being trapped and killed occasionally, PLUS the smart ones wreaking havoc. With mice, they just march into the traps, no smart ones to cause havoc.

So block rats first. Block them from the house, it is the only way. Make rat proof auto feeders for the birds, and hope the rats don't collect together to fool it.

Oh, and you're most welcome. It took a lot of research to find something that would work, and in the end I had to invent it so that it was easy to build with minimal tools. Glad it will help. You can copy and post the pictures I drew anywhere you want to.
Snakes the size you're talking about won't be easily or safely trapped. Ya, I meant pigs, as in bacon. A pig,especially with babies will attack & kill snakes, plus, if they get caught by a big one, their squeels are ear piercing. They also disturb the ground, making it unappealing for snakes. If your run is large enough you could run the chickens with the pigs.
Snakes the size you're talking about won't be easily or safely trapped. Ya, I meant pigs, as in bacon. A pig,especially with babies will attack & kill snakes, plus, if they get caught by a big one, their squeels are ear piercing. They also disturb the ground, making it unappealing for snakes. If your run is large enough you could run the chickens with the pigs.

Pigs can and will eat chickens and other poultry.

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