need advice mating pet rabbits

cheeksand muppy

Aug 19, 2020
i want to breed my pet rabbits but my girl (4 yrs) is so aggressive toward our new gentle buck (6 mnths). not sure what my next step is as i dont want anyone to get hurt. the only time i havent kept them separated, there was a flurry and his long angora ear got ripped and we were all very stressed.. im really attached to the both of them. i know she is more than ready to the point of showing frustration and he is obviously inexperienced---both of their first times. do they both need to seem like they are wanting to mate before i put them together? do i need to try to find her a more seasoned buck? (not easy where i live). any advice, suggestions, feedback is much appreciated.
i want to breed my pet rabbits but my girl (4 yrs) is so aggressive toward our new gentle buck (6 mnths). not sure what my next step is as i dont want anyone to get hurt. the only time i havent kept them separated, there was a flurry and his long angora ear got ripped and we were all very stressed.. im really attached to the both of them. i know she is more than ready to the point of showing frustration and he is obviously inexperienced---both of their first times. do they both need to seem like they are wanting to mate before i put them together? do i need to try to find her a more seasoned buck? (not easy where i live). any advice, suggestions, feedback is much appreciated.

When mating rabbits you need the right conditions, Temperature needs to be below 85 (27) degrees... you probably have that issue taken care of. The female will not breed in her own territory, and the male will not breed outside of his own territory. Keep the male in a cage for a week or until he establishes this cage as his territory. Then introduce the female to that cage. See if that works.
I think you are overthinking this. First of all, it is a lot safer to house the rabbits separately. When I was raising rabbits, bonding was not on the list of concerns. I never even thought about it. I don't think my rabbits did either. To breed them I put the female in the male's cage. If they are ready it is over in a very few minutes. I never left them together unsupervised.
The odd female might show preference for one male over another, but the vast majority of my does haven't seemed to care. A really aggressive doe can do serious damage to a buck, so we take the doe to the buck's cage, and stick around in case we need to intervene. Some difficult does might need to be housed next to the buck for a 'get acquainted' period before they will breed. A really docile buck may have such a low drive he won't even try to breed (especially during hot weather). 4 years old is awfully late for a first litter. A doe's most fertile time is during her first couple of years; most does' litters start getting smaller by the time they turn 3, with a lot of does being effectively sterile by the time they are 4. Does that aren't being bred often get fat, and fat does often won't breed, or don't conceive even if they do, or have kindling problems when the time comes.

I wish you luck, but there are a lot of reasons why an experienced rabbit breeder wouldn't expect a lot from this pair. I'm not saying, "don't bother," just, "don't be too disappointed if you do everything right and still get nowhere." :idunno
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I’m sorry I cant really help. I had pet rabbits for quit some time but never had to introduce a new buck rabbit. But I do know the problem is not the age the buck. I had a very young buck from offspring fertilising my older rabbits before I even new he was a buck.
You'll need to try to bond them a bit more. They usually dont want to have babies with just anyone, so at least getting I the friend zone will help. Let them see each other through a cage or fence, then let them out in a large playpen or something as long as it's in neutral territory. And be sure to supervise them!
Then you can let them breed in the males territory
You should try to make them comfortable with each other you can put a fence or some thing between them so they could see each other then you can wait till you think that they are comfortable with each other then try to make them mate.

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