Need Advice On A Blind Rooster

Favf Fan

5 Years
Sep 3, 2014

Hope that I'm posting this in the appropriate section. I browse the forums frequently but don't post all that much.

I really need some advice. We recently rescued a blind chicken from a pretty bad environment. We were told it was a hen about five months of age. We believe it is an EE. We set her up in a large cage with a number of bowls just so she could always find food and water. Our intention was to get her healthy and comfortable enough to introduce her to our beloved Faverolle thinking she would make a good companion. We've had her for about a month now and despite her aversion to being touched or handled, she has been doing well.

Well, the worst thing that could have happened has happened. HE started crowing the other day. We were shocked and disappointed as we just cannot keep a rooster due to the thickly settled neighborhood we live in. We have asked a few people we know who know something about chickens and we were told that the chances of rehoming him didn't look good, that it is difficult enough to rehome a rooster in our area let alone a blind rooster. Someone else suggested that we euthanize him as he will never be happy due to his inability to breed and hold his own in a flock.

Now we don't know what to do. We understand that it's going to be a tough sell but we would love to try and find him someone who would be willing to keep him as a pet in a stable and safe environment, but is that even reasonable? Are there people out there who would be willing to invest the time and the patience in caring for a young, blind rooster? And is that even the best thing for him? Is it true that he will be miserable because he can't do the things a sighted rooster, or a sighted hen for that matter, can?

Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. While we really don't know what to do for him, we do know that we want to do the best thing for him.
It does not seem fair for others to decide if he will be happy or not, or to kill him because they think he would want that. Give him a chance! Sanctuaries often do not want roosters because people flood sanctuaries with poor, unwanted boys, but your case might be special to a sanctuary. Call around.
Is there really no way you can keep him? Is it illegal in your town? There are ways to soundproof a coop or even a box for just him, and there are also no-crow collars.
If you are desperate to have him be a pet, you might call around and look for an avian vet who would be willing to caponize (neuter) him.

I have had no luck whatsoever rehoming roosters, not even healthy ones that wanted to sit in a person's lap. I would be shocked and amazed if you were able to find a home for this guy. Sorry. :(
Thank you for the responses. I do appreciate your input.

I agree that it doesn't seem fair that this decision has to be made for him. In a perfect world, he would be able to tell me what he wants or needs. Unfortunately, I have to make the decision and my only hope is that I make an informed decision using whatever information I can get beforehand. That is precisely why I decided to post and ask for advice. I value your opinion!

I made a few phone calls today and was happy to learn of an ASPCA affiliated farm and livestock sanctuary not too far away. I have the contact information and will be calling there tomorrow.

Amina, I am sorry to hear about your difficulty in rehoming roosters. Here's hoping this little guy finds a good fit. :)
Yeah .. Sorry to tell you Fave F but the only help you going to get is from your own heart ... So listen ... And do what it say s ! Poor Steveie ! But at least he had a few weeks in peace .. And being a little bit spoiled !!!!!! Just what he needed !

Unfortunately, things didn't work out with placing Stevie at the farm sanctuary. While the rep that I spoke with was sympathetic, I was told that he was just not an adoptable candidate. It wasn't good news but we understood where she was coming from. After we exhausted every effort in trying to place him, we consulted a vet who kindly told us that euthanasia would be the most humane option for him. Because we knew the extent we went to in order to try and find him a suitable home and because we didn't want to get desperate enough to return him where we rescued him, we made the appointment.

With heavy hearts, we brought him into the vet's office. He started crowing which drew the attention of a vet tech. She came into the room and said that she had backyard chickens too and could understand how we were feeling. She even said that she would be willing to take Stevie home with her but the town she lived in, like ours, did not allow residents in thickly settled neighborhoods to keep roosters. BUT, apparently there was another vet tech there who also had chickens. She went to talk to him about Stevie. He came in the room and got down on the floor with Stevie. He told us that, if we were okay with it, that he would be willing to bring Stevie to his home (where he was allowed to keep roosters, there was actually even a small farm in his area!). Even better, he had a setup with no chickens so Stevie could be by himself for a while and not get picked on. I know that I don't have to tell you how ecstatic and grateful we were. It was a miracle.

I just wanted to share that bit of good news. We know that there are so many cases out there that don't end as well as Stevie's story did. It's just nice to know that good things DO happen. Even for blind little roosters. :)
I have a partially blind rooster. His comb flops over to the side of his good eye, he has his clumsy moments here and there but he still rules his roost and is in charge of 6 hens and doesn't skip a beat :)
This happy outcome just brought tears to my eyes!

I maintain a small coop (4 hens, one little rooster) at our elementary school. There are chickens that wander around our town and they our city's unofficial mascot.

I picked up a poor rooster that appeared to be hit by a car 2 days ago, and he is improving but will likely be blind. We cannot keep him here (he's in my bathroom for now while I help him recuperate), and he won't fit in at our little coop since we already have a rooster (right?).

I hope to be able to find him a home, and this post just gave me hope. He is so sweet...loves to be held and will rest his poor banged up head against my chest to rest.

Fingers crossed Frizz gets a happy outcome, too!

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