Need advice on feeding baby geese

It doesn't sound normal to me. by any chance were they water starved at the feed store? and they drank a lot of water when you offered water to them. If so they may be 'water drunk' If you think this might be the case limit their access to water until they are acting more normal and then just allow them a little bit at a time. dehydration can be fatal but if they try to take in too much water too fast they act like they have been drinking alcohol and are drunk, falling down drunk, can't get up drunk in your case. There is no way I can be sure from a distance but it is a likely cause and is fairly easy to treat. The other causes can be difficult to treat and may be fatal anyways. Good luck and let us know how it comes out. ~gd
It could also be a vitamin/mineral deficiency maybe?? Some poly vi sol might not be a bad idea.

It doesn't sound like the feed store was doing a good job of taking care of them at all.
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