Need advice on hatching eggs, please!


12 Years
Jan 20, 2008
I have some 12 cuckoo maran eggs in the incubator. They are on day 7, I candeled them today and I dont see any signs of anything, but the yolk. I also have 18 silkie eggs in the incubator and 17 of them have baby chicks in them moving, they are due to hatch in 3 more days. Should I be worried about the marans? Are they ruined or maybe not fertile? I picked them up from a local breeder, and they were all laid that day I put them in the bator. I have read that on day 7 I should be able to see at least a dark eye. I am soo upset that these eggs are no good.
The temps have held steady at 100.5 and the humidity around 50% What else could I do, what are some signs of bad eggs. How can you tell if they are fertile?
I candled my Marans eggs on day 6. At first I was concerned too because you really can't see much(I was used to incubating RIR eggs which are easy to see) until I saw a clear(infertile) egg then I could tell the difference. I'm going to candle tonight(day 8) but I don't expect to see alot.
Hang in there for another few days and check again - I'll bet you'll be surprised.
I can't see much of anything through my maran eggs either. So I'm leaving them there. The shells are so thick and dark that it's incredibly difficult to candle with my measly little flashlight. I wouldn't give up on them if I were you.
I hope your right, I will just hold off and candle again in a few days. I dont smell any foul odor yet.
Ya know, people have told me that they've noticed a foul odor with eggs that aren't developing, but I've never smelled anything. And I've never removed any eggs before the hatch. And I've never had any explode. I might have just been lucky, but I've just gotten to a point where I just don't worry about it much. I put them in, candle them for fun, and then I'm happy with whatever results I get. The only time I'll remove them is if I candle and see hairline cracks in the shell or something. My last hatch, I saw two eggs that I was just sure (after candling several times) just weren't going to produce a chick. I even marked them with a red pencil to see what happened in the end. I almost tossed them on more than one occasion, but left them anyway. Both ended up hatching a little fuzz-butt, much to my surprise. That's been my experience anyway.
I checked again today and I can see dark black specs. Some eggs are so dark I cant even hardly see anything inside.

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