Need advice on pipped chick

YAY so glad the chick made it!
I want to post the rest of my story -- so that others can learn from my mistakes! Not all of the eggs from this set hatched. In fact only half of them did. I am devastated, but decided to take the unhatched and crack them open to see what I could learn. Here's what I saw. They were shrink wrapped. One had poke it's beak through, but could not access air as the membrane was tight over the nostrils. I sat there for awhile mourning and thinking back over what I might have done wrong at lockdown. Then it came to me. I put these on lockdown just before going to bed one night -- as I had set this go in the eve. so I figured to put them in lockdown in the eve. Mistake # 1. Do not do such a thing and then head to bed !! I told myself that I was going to get up and check on them every two hrs. Well -- being a mother of 8 children is a soul exhausting, yet rewarding calling, and I fell into a deep sleep that night !! I jarred awake at 4:00 am and said "oh no, my incubator!" I flew down the steps and went into panic mode when I saw my thermo read 104 deg. !! I fried those dear babies
I quick adjusted the temp. and watched carefully till dawn, but obviously it was to late. It is a still air incubator, and the eggs that haven't hatched were obviously in the hot spot. The baby that I had to help, was having a tough time do to a hardened membrane. When I wrapped a warm wash cloth around it, it must have softened it enough that the baby could get out. The humidity had also dropped when the temp. hit 104 deg. So never put eggs in lockdown, and go to bed. Unless you have a really got incubator !! Mine is a little Giant, and they are notorious for temperature fluctuations.

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