Need advice on whether or not to euthanize


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 13, 2010
Grafton, WV
I just had my first ever batch of eggs hatch over the past 2 days. They are blue slate turkeys. 9/10 of the eggs hatched, but one of those had a bit of a complication. The turkey pipped at the pointy end and was only able to make an air hole. We watched it just sit breathe out the hole for about 4-5 hours when we noticed some red around in the hole. Thinking it was going to die, the egg was opened to a still alive chick, but there was blood on the inside of the egg. The chick was breathing but was still a little balled up and didn't act like the 4 before it. The next day, it was still breathing and wet looking, unable to stand where others that had hatched later were able to do so. So we are at about 24 hours old now... still cant stand, but is stronger and cant kind of push itself around a little bit. The feet are still sorta balled up and one stays extended behind it while one is kind of under. It peeps like the others, but is not fluffy. Oh, there is also a pretty good scab on the belly (source of the bleed maybe) but no more blood.

Im guessing there was some sort of development problem, and was wondering if this warrants a cull, or is it still too early to tell. I just don't want the thing to starve to death.

I have read several times that the yolk will give them all the nutrition they need for 2-3 days. I am in the middle of a hatch right now, and one chick definately is weaker, but so long as it doesn't just lay there (had 1 do that and just die also) I am a proponent of giving them every chance to make it. In short, I wouldn't kill it. I would hope it made it and be sad if it didn't. Just my two cents.
Thank you for your response. The question is now moot as the little guy didn't survive the night.
Bad news is that the chick died. The bright side is that it wasn't at your hand. I lost 1 of 15, not bad for a rookie i guess. i will take it for my first hatch...last one is just out. as ou had happen, it just didn't make it, but it was a higher powers decision, not mine!

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