Need advice

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I would stick with only females for starters.
A 5x5 coop will hold 7 to 8 chickens. You might want to consider building a 4x8 coop instead for two reasons. You will be able to grow your flock and construction materials are based off of 4' increments so you will minimize material waste.
Nice starter breeds are Plymouth Barred Rocks (PBRs) and Australorps.
Welcome :)

Are you looking for the best layers? Or are you more interested in a dual purpose or heritage breed? Without knowing your goals for the flock it’s hard to know what to suggest.

The best layers are hybrids such as brown layers and dedicated layers such as leghorns. However, these breeds aren’t dual purpose. If you’re looking for a heritage breed with great personality that still lays fairly well, many people speak highly Orpingtons. If you want colourful eggs than Black Copper Marans, Easter Eggers or Ameraucanas, and Olive Eggers are examples of breeds you might be interested in.
You sure caught the fever!!
Better start building a coop now!
What are your plans for the boys aka: Cockerels.
We have some really knowledgeable peeps on here from all over the globe.
Where are you located on this globe.
When you have issues and unfortunately you will, so please take pictures and give your general location. This is very helpful to those that can help you.
You can always put it on your profile if you'd like.
DobieLover has built coops before and is very knowledgeable in that department.
When you get your flock, make sure you include pictures.
We are Egg-cited you joined.

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