
Sep 2, 2018
As my flock of 32 chickens grow older, unfortunately with age I am coming across different illnesses that I need advise on. I just inquired on a few other illnesses last week. This illness is regarding my 3 year old golden sex link. I believe her to have either Ascities or Peritonitis? I noticed about a month ago she was losing weight, somewhat lethargic. I did the process of illumination with home treatments, Corid, ACV, yogurt after the treatment and probiotics added to the water. I had eliminated egg bound in her at the time. No symptoms like that. She got better, eating great and put some weight back on. I just noticed the past 3-4 days that she seemed to be eating more then usual. I also noticed she was standing with her legs apart. After inspecting her closer a few days ago her abdominal was swollen, legs apart and doesn't go to the highest level on her roosting bar, assuming so she doesn't have to jump as far. I have read tons of threads on different illnesses, what to do and unfortunately the outcome for some is not good. I have read you can drain fluid from the abdominal to ease the discomfort if Ascities? I also read that Penitonitis can cause fluid buildup as well? My question is, if I try to drain her and is not Ascities would it affect anything else? I feel I don't have a choice due to the limited Avian vets in our area and Covid 19. Vets are limited to only emergencies with animals as of now. I want to at least try to do something..... her outcome will most likely be death if I don't do anything? Also could it possibly be a worm infestation. I read that worms could bloat the abdominal, your hen would eat more and loose weight. If that's the case what do I give her from your local Farm store for deworming and would it hurt if I still drained the fluid from her abdomen? Assuming there is fluid? Please any advice! If there weren't pets I wouldn't be posting. If anyone has had this experience or has done a procedure like this any comments would help? Thanks again! I greatly appreciate it!
Most hens who live for years may eventually succomb to a reproductive disorder, ascites, or cancer. That video above is not how most people drain ascites. Usually, an 18 gauge needle is used with a large syringe after disinfecting the skin with chlorhexidene or betadine. A 16 gauge needle would be better and larger, but are hard to find. Draining is not without risk of infection, shock, or death, but many people do it to help relieve pressure and breathing if the abdomen is tight. See post 42 in this thread for some pictures and info:

Here are a couple of videos:

Most hens who live for years may eventually succomb to a reproductive disorder, ascites, or cancer. That video above is not how most people drain ascites. Usually, an 18 gauge needle is used with a large syringe after disinfecting the skin with chlorhexidene or betadine. A 16 gauge needle would be better and larger, but are hard to find. Draining is not without risk of infection, shock, or death, but many people do it to help relieve pressure and breathing if the abdomen is tight. See post 42 in this thread for some pictures and info:

Here are a couple of videos:

Thank you for always answering my questions. If I don't try she will die so at least I will try to give her some comfort and she will continue to live a little longer. I'm not concerned with her laying eggs again if she doesn't. She has over performed for a good +3 years. One more question? When administering the needle from tractor supply (16 gage x 1 1/2 in with 20ml tube) and hens backside facing me do I place needle on the right or left? I read right side because origins are on the left? Just wanted to confirm? Thanks again!
Thank you for always answering my questions. If I don't try she will die so at least I will try to give her some comfort and she will continue to live a little longer. I'm not concerned with her laying eggs again if she doesn't. She has over performed for a good +3 years. One more question? When administering the needle from tractor supply (16 gage x 1 1/2 in with 20ml tube) and hens backside facing me do I place needle on the right or left? I read right side because origins are on the left? Just wanted to confirm? Thanks again!
Hello, I wanted to follow up per our last conversation. I took her to the vet on Wednesday and she put her on a lasix. I was a 20mg pill which I dissolved in 8 ounces of water and am giving her 2 drops a day. Am & PM . I haven't noticed much of a difference in her very swallon belly. It's hard, she's not really eating at this point. I managed to give her bread, that's all she would eat and drink some electrolytes with probiotics mixed in. The vet showed me the xray and you could see spots on her heart. She said it is her heart that is failing and thats what causing the acities. Doesn't look good, but there is a part if me that still wants to relieve the bloat which looks so uncomfortable for her. Do you think the lasix needs more time or should I try to drain her?
I really don’t know the dosage of lasix for a chicken, but seems like it would not be enough if you are only giving 2 drops a day of 20 mg in 8 ounces of water, but you should follow your vet’s orders. @casportpony knows more about draining and what side to stick. In the pictures earlier the hen was drained on her left side. I do not drain my hens with ascites. Since your vet saw a heart problem on xray, it probably will be a matter of time before she succumbs.
I really don’t know the dosage of lasix for a chicken, but seems like it would not be enough if you are only giving 2 drops a day of 20 mg in 8 ounces of water, but you should follow your vet’s orders. @casportpony knows more about draining and what side to stick. In the pictures earlier the hen was drained on her left side. I do not drain my hens with ascites. Since your vet saw a heart problem on xray, it probably will be a matter of time before she succumbs.
Okay, ty! I have watched numerous videos and read different news feeds on the draining. They all say right side due to vital organs on the left . Although he said either doesn't matter, I believe I'm going to try it. I have watched and read more good then bad from doing it even if it's for a short period of time. I will never know if I don't try and a have a large flock of hens, so all of this is learning. Thanks again! I will update you on the outcome in the next few days. As of this morning she is still as full and her belly is hard as can be. Lasix is doing nothing and it's day 4.
Some hens develop large lash egg material inside the abdomen from salpingitis and internal laying, which can make the abdomen feel hard as well. Let us know how she gets along.
The xray didn't show that or at least she didn't say that. She said her heart is causing the Ascities. So I'm assuming it's water, fluid, infection. They say the color will tell. Clear is worst sign. Ginger ale color is the usual (egg yolk,etc...) and green is infection. My husband and I are just asking that length of the needle. I have a 16 g 11/2 in point? Is that to deep to go in??

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