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My five hens dont lay regularly ... never have.. what do i do?
First is it going to be cold or hot were your going to live
for a cold weather environment these are breeds I like
1. Barred rock
2. Buff orphington
3. Silkie
For warm weather
2. Rhode island reds
Or Leghorns
Here's my list of tips to pick the perfect rooster
Clear eyes, no beak residue, very active, eating well,drinking well, then hold them for a couple minutes and determine if its friendly. note the easiest time to train is at three days that's the age you want to buy at. Then once he's yours hold him every day for at least 2 hours to . Do that until he's to big to hold. Its a lot of work but it comes with great rewards
So your girls aren't laying regularly 1st consult a vet to make sure its nothing serous.
Second r u feeding them layers mash
Third do you have a comfortable nesting box?
I have another question about space...if i have 114 sq. ft. of places where my birds could go in their coop and run, and im going to try to free-range the whole day, how many chickens can I have?
Yah that amount of space sounds good for about 13 hens and about 1 or 2 roosters maybe more. Remember more chickens means more responsiblity I learned that the hard way stick to what you have for now then get more somewhere down the line ;)
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My five hens dont lay regularly ... never have.. what do i do?
It could be any number of things. Amount of light provided, living conditions, feed quality, temperature, health, breed etc. Chickens need at least 14-16 hours of light per day to lay well.

ETA, age also has a large impact on laying abilities. A hen will continue to lay eggs her whole life, but after about 2 years they start to slow down.
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Yay your hen has hatched an egg build a brooder take big storage container put newspaper on the bottom of it put a chick waterer in it put a chick feeder then attach a heating lamp and put her in it. Good luck ;)
You can also let the hen raise the chick herself, mother hens can be good mothers too. Just watch to make sure any other chickens are not messing with them, and if they are then a seperate pen with feed and water would be sufficient. A heat lamp or special bedding isn't necessary because the mother hen is with the chick.

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