Need brown eggs for hatching!!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 24, 2008
Challis, Idaho
I am looking for dual purpose breeds Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Orpingtons. I am looking for 6 to 12 test eggs for my homemade incubator. Also I want to start a small dual purpose flock but mainly want to establish layers for now. I have had reds in the past but am curious if another breed if a better layer that also handles cold well. I will pay by money order.


John Runer
I have Buff Orps, and RIR's.

But I won't be able to get you eggs unitl mid-november.

I'm booked until then

But then again theres always next spring
Don't mean to step on any toes, but I have brown eggs all the time for sale. They are from RIR and SLW, but they are mixed, with possible pures. There are also some white rocks in there, but their eggs are lighter. They might get mixed by the roos, though. They are $15 a dozen shipped. Let me know.
I am happy to hear from anyone about eggs. Most commercial hatcheries seem to be out right now! I will be looking for straight meet breeds in the spring any waiting lists?

John Runer
Barnyard has Barred rocks! They were laying up a storm she had some for sale a while back.
Siz8003 has Buff orps for sale. And I have RIR eggs from SittinPretty. Not sure if she has them for sale or not I got them in the egg swap.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for the replies when anyone has pure white rocks what does two dozen eggs run, shipped to Idaho? This is for the spring only.


John Runer

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