Need confirmation on gender Brahma Buff Columbia 17 weeks

I'm going to be the voice of dissention here. I think the bird is a cockerel, but some better pics would help confirm. I'm seeing darker shading on the wings, which is a male characteristic, and I'm pretty sure that's a triple row on the pea comb. A profile shot of the bird, from the side showing the entire body would be good, as would a clear straight on comb shot.
I'm puzzled. Just took some new pics. To be honest I'm leaning towards cockerel too. Doesn't show any cockerel behaviour though. It is the lowest in the pecking order but it also came last with them.

Full body shot


Back feathers

Neck feathers

If you need more pics let me know.
Looks like a lovely 17 week old, point of lay pullet. Her comb is still flat, but should start to develop more over the next few weeks. The fact that there are no male saddle feathers by this time is also a good indication of pullet.
Thanks, but isn't it a bit too high on its legs to be a pullet ? See full body shot.

I kind of think it might grow into something like this? But I'm by no means experienced with Brahmas.

And I really hope it's a pullet otherwise I have to find a new place for him. But I might go back to the seller as he promised me a pullet.
I hope you are right.
below pics were from 4 weeks ago comb had less colour? So I guess between 13-17 weeks IF seller told correct age.




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