Need Frizzle Clarification, please.


Easter Hatch!!
10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
Can a chicken, who came from frizzled stock but does not have frizzling still produce frizzled offspring when bread with a smooth-feathered bird?

An example:

I have two sizzles, Dozer and Daphne. (respectively)

Both have the exact same parents. They are 100% siblings. If I were to breed the smooth one DAPHNE with a non-frizzled roo, could she produce a frizzled chick?

My instinct is no, but we see chicks that suddlenly develop frizzles, curly feathers, or even those crazy silkied ameracaunas.

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It could produce frizzled offspring, depending on exactly what the smooth hen out of a frizzled breeding is carrying genetically. If your smooth hen was the result of a frizzled X smooth (no frizzled ancestry) breeding then no, the smooth hen w/one frizzled parent X smooth rooster probably won't produce any frizzled offspring. But if she's a smooth whose parents both have frizzled ancestry, then you have more of a possibility of getting some frizzled offspring.

But I think the real answer is you won't know 'till you try.
you have about close to 0% of breeding frizzles out of the normal feathered hen you got bred to a non frizzled roo..... unless by some miracle she is double dosed for the reccessive frizle modifier (mf/mf).

for most cases, Frizzle is an autosomal dominant gene, you don't see it, you don't have it.
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