Need help! -40c winters & wAter


6 Years
Mar 8, 2013
Our winters get to -40c or colder here. We've already got a cold snap (from -3 to -25 overnight) and in that I lost my 3 silkies. I just lost another bird tonight because I think she was dehydrated. The water froze and I don't think they're drinking enough. How can I keep their water from freezing.. And from losing more birds
Where are you located?

I hate to tell you this but that is way too cold for silkies. I suggest getting a different more hardy breed or provide heated housing. Above all, you need a heated water fount because no matter what, they need liquid water available at all times.
Oh boy yes, you will need an electric heated waterer.... THAT is even too cold to get a nipple system to work properly! :(

Heated waterer... And yes, more cold tolerant breeds than silkies, I'm afraid.

I'm so sorry for your loss :(
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I live 20 minutes west of Edmonton, Alberta!! Very used to cold winters here also!!
Its hard to get the right answer.
This is what I have done this winter.
I have a red 250watt bulb in my chicken coop. So far my water hasn't froze over night. So far we have gotten down to -24 over night.
I keep my food and water in the coop now that its winter.
If you plan to keep frizzle hens you will need to heat the coop. Also buy an electric dog bowl or pail to keep your water from freezing.
Good luck!
Our winters get to -40c or colder here. We've already got a cold snap (from -3 to -25 overnight) and in that I lost my 3 silkies. I just lost another bird tonight because I think she was dehydrated. The water froze and I don't think they're drinking enough. How can I keep their water from freezing.. And from losing more birds

Oh no!!! I'm sorry to hear you lost your silkies. I'm in Ontario and we get the same type of temperatures. And I have a silkie. And no heat in my coop. The coldest its gotten was -5C so far and she's been okay. Now I'm worried about her though.

I'm also trying to figure out the water system. Not sure what we are going to do.

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