Need Help and Opinions for a New Rollaway Nest Box


May 11, 2022
Pansey, Alabama
My young girls are about 13 weeks old and it's time for me to get them a nest box to get use to. I defiantly want a rollaway nest box. I've looked at building one my self but I am leaning towards buying a Hen Gear 48" or a Best Nest 48" rollaway. I think the metal nest box would be much easier to keep clean and free from parasites and mites which a wooden nest can easily harbor. I already have the walls framed out for a 48"x 18" nest in the new coop so that I can collect the eggs from outside the coop. I like the Hen Gear's rear access panel design for easy laying mat removal and you can pull the perch bar up to keep them out of the nest at night. I've also looked at Duncan's six hole rollaway nest but it isn't reversible but is an option. If anyone here has used a Hen Gear or Best Nest rollaway nest or prefer a home made rollaway nest instead, I would really appreciate feedback of your thoughts and opinions. I want to get it installed around the first week of August so the girls can get use to it being in the coop before they start to lay their eggs.

Well I went ahead and ordered the large Hen Gear Rollaway nest box for the girls to start to lay in. They are on back order but should be delivered by the 1st or 2nd week in August. Planning on making it the reverse style nest box so the egg collection compartment will be through the wall of the coop so I can collect the eggs without going in the coop. I expect the girls to hopefully start laying around mid Aug -1st of Sept. Should give them a couple of weeks or so to get familiar with the new addition to their hen house.
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Yes, definitely.
Make sure roosts are higher than nests so they don't sleep in the nests.

Is the collection area out of direct sun and protected from rain?
The roosts are 35" and the nest will be about 22" off the floor. I will be weather proofing the egg collection compartment with plywood and trimming it out to look nice and match the windows and doors. In the past I always did the traditional wooden home made boxes but after doing research I see where wood is hard to keep sanitary and harbors parasites and mitts. The metal rollaway will be much more user friendly and easy to remove to wash and clean. Hopefully the eggs will be nice and clean with the rollaway nesting box.
Thanks for your feedback.:thumbsup
The roosts are 35" and the nest will be about 22" off the floor. I will be weather proofing the egg collection compartment with plywood and trimming it out to look nice and match the windows and doors. In the past I always did the traditional wooden home made boxes but after doing research I see where wood is hard to keep sanitary and harbors parasites and mitts. The metal rollaway will be much more user friendly and easy to remove to wash and clean. Hopefully the eggs will be nice and clean with the rollaway nesting box.
Thanks for your feedback.:thumbsup
How did it work out? Have your gals started laying? What have you used inside your rollaway nestboxes?

Mine are also due to start laying from now til the next week or two. I made rollaway nestboxes (to retrieve eggs outside run) and used artificial grass for the bedding. I am now wondering whether they will use the box with that down. I've been getting mixed opinions.
How did it work out? Have your gals started laying? What have you used inside your rollaway nestboxes?

Mine are also due to start laying from now til the next week or two. I made rollaway nestboxes (to retrieve eggs outside run) and used artificial grass for the bedding. I am now wondering whether they will use the box with that down. I've been getting mixed opinions.
I found the first egg layed on July 29th. Unfortunately the HenGear rollaway nest was on backorder and was delivered August 12th. Me and my granddaughter assembled it that afternoon and placed it in the hen house. I placed two wooden trainer eggs in the nest and added some wood shavings on the artificial laying mat. The girls started laying in it the 2nd day!! After the first week they were using the nest for laying except for one or two that layed on the hen house floor and still do from time to time. I removed all of the wood chips from the laying mat the 2nd week. As of yesterday I am getting 16 to 20 eggs daily from 26 hens. I am extremely happy that I got this rollaway nest. All of my eggs are nice and clean!! Another thing I like about the metal nest is it isn't nearly as heavy as a wooden nesting box (48"x 20"x 19") wood be. When I need to clean it I can easily remove it off the 2 hangers and take it outside and wash it. I hope you have good luck with your rollaway nest. Below is a photo I took on August 16th of the eggs in the rollaway collector.

How did it work out? Have your gals started laying? What have you used inside your rollaway nestboxes?

Mine are also due to start laying from now til the next week or two. I made rollaway nestboxes (to retrieve eggs outside run) and used artificial grass for the bedding. I am now wondering whether they will use the box with that down. I've been getting mixed opinions.
I forgot to mention, if you are in need of a good rollaway artificial nesting mat. In one of Opa's post where he supplied his DIY rollaway nest build plans there is a link to Cutler Supply. That is where he got his mats from. The turf is slightly angled so that the eggs roll into the egg collector tray.
This is the link for the laying mat.

This is the link to Opa's post.

Hope this is helpful.;):)
I found the first egg layed on July 29th. Unfortunately the HenGear rollaway nest was on backorder and was delivered August 12th. Me and my granddaughter assembled it that afternoon and placed it in the hen house. I placed two wooden trainer eggs in the nest and added some wood shavings on the artificial laying mat. The girls started laying in it the 2nd day!! After the first week they were using the nest for laying except for one or two that layed on the hen house floor and still do from time to time. I removed all of the wood chips from the laying mat the 2nd week. As of yesterday I am getting 16 to 20 eggs daily from 26 hens. I am extremely happy that I got this rollaway nest. All of my eggs are nice and clean!! Another thing I like about the metal nest is it isn't nearly as heavy as a wooden nesting box (48"x 20"x 19") wood be. When I need to clean it I can easily remove it off the 2 hangers and take it outside and wash it. I hope you have good luck with your rollaway nest. Below is a photo I took on August 16th of the eggs in the rollaway collector.

View attachment 3242155
Thank you for the update! I take it you no longer use the shavings. Was that just to get them enticed to the boxes initially?

Thinking I may need to add something to my turf mats to get them started.

I put a golf ball in one to be a fake egg. (The golf ball is precariously staying put but has rolled back a couple times.) I'm assuming that if I put some hay or straw down, it will prevent the eggs from rolling back. But I guess that doesn't matter if it is only going to be temporary... until they get used to the nest boxes.

Thoughts, anyone?

Thank you @Rammer1961 for the link. The thread link is a long one that I'll be going through shortly.


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Excellent updates and advice @Rammer1961 !

How did you keep the fake egg in place and the slanted surface?
The HenGear rollaway nest box comes with a trainer egg and I ordered a 2nd one too. The eggs have a short chain with a clasp. Just attach it to the upper edge of the laying mat and that is it. Works great!!

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