Need help! Chick breathing with beak open


5 Years
Jul 13, 2014
Hello everyone. I hatched a few button quail chicks recently. I noticed that one of them is breathing heavy and has his beak open. Also seems more lethargic than the others. What do you guys think the problem is and how can I help him? Any replies would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Here's a video of his behavior:
Hello.... I will be honest. I do not know what the issue is. It doesn't look good,but please don't fret. Someone will know exactly what it is,and give you sound advice. In the meantime,I wanted to say I am sorry. I know it's scary not knowing. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart! He created this lil guy... He knows best. I will pray for your comfort and this precious little chicks health. God Bless. If you need to talk....
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They are button quails I hatched myself. I have raised these birds multiple times and also breed them. But this issue has never come up. Hope he feels better soon
Omgosh duh on me! Lol You did say that already. I'm sorry,a bit tired I am. I was thinking maybe you ordered them? Ok well I really hope he feels better soon,too. I am so sorry you are going through this. It's hard to watch and to feel helpless. I do know. I just lost 2 sick chicks within about a week of one another. And I don't really know why. I'll continue to pray.
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I added sav a chick to his water and also slightly lowered the brooder temp. He seems to be better now. He is still Doing it but occasionally.
I ordered chicks from a hatchery that had this issue because they were packaged correctly. Around 19 of them died out of 24, but it was an unusual case. They always gasped - however none showed improvement. Something was off with their respiratory systems, and it was damage that couldn't be undone. But I hear that this little fella seems to be getting better, so it's obviously not the same thing. Good luck with the quails, they're so cute!
He is precious. You know,until you know exactly what is going on... Try to maintain his fluids,most importantly, and food intake if possible. I've heard adding a little sugar to the water can be beneficial in lethargic chicks. We still need to find out what's going on but at least he will stay hydrated and hopefully as comfortable and content as possible. Good call on lowering the temp.

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