Need help for lethargic hen w/ sensitive beak


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 22, 2009
Corvallis, OR
One of my 5-mo. hens is acting lethargic and doesn't seem very interested in food. When I found her in the coop about an hour ago, it looked like her beak was cracked. Upon further inspection, I noticed that it was one 'layer' of her top beak that had separated, like it has flaked off - if that makes any sense. The 'flake' was almost completely loose and came off with a little wiggling. It appears that the exposed part of her beak underneath has hardened, but maybe it's still sensitive. She appears to have a fully intact beak.

I have separated her into her own pen in the garage with water, and food mixed with water to soften it. I offered her some yogurt and she barely touched it (and it's a fave!). I plan to put some antibiotic ointment on her beak after my husband gets home and can assist me in holding her.

Any thoughts on what else I should do? Should I just let her rest and keep offering her soft foods? Does this sound like an emergency to you? Thanks in advance.
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She looks more perky and energetic this morning, but not 100%. I've been able to get her to eat some scrambled egg and got a dropper to run some water into her mouth (not sure how much she actually drank, as she seemed to shake 1/2 of it out of her mouth each time!). I used the formula on this forum to put some baby aspirin in her water, hoping it dulls the pain enough that she can eat like normal.

I am considering going to the feed store on my lunch break to get a vitamin mix for her water and maybe some baby bird formula to either feed straight with the dropper or to mix into her mushy food I prepared for her. Do these seem like good ideas?

Also, I assume it's best to keep her separated from the other two hens? I didn't see any evidence of the others picking on her and she does seem pretty bored and lonely, but separation is usually recommended, it seems.
sounds like you are doing everything right. I would keep her on soft foods for awhile till her beak heals

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