Need help for my chickens.

Do you have a heat source on them? Should have them in a brooder, with heat lamp or whatever source of heat you use. The temp should be around 85 - 90°F.
I use Nutra-Drench for all my chicks I hatch. It has vitamins and electrolytes to help promote good health.
Sneezing is probably due to cold. The eye problem could be due to pecking or an infection, Idk for sure without a picture. Could you post pictures of the affected chicks?
Also, post the problem/situation your having with your chicks in the ER section of this forum, here's the link:
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Welcome Wagon.gif
Welcome to Backyard Chickens!

I hope you find out what is wrong with the broilers
G’Day from down under Fagbenro :frow Welcome!

Best wishes to you and your little ones. Please do post on the ER Forum as suggested. The folks on there are awesome and should be able to help you determine what ails your chicks.

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

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