Need help - growth stopped.


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Got some red star hens and roosters that are 90 days old and have absolutely stopped growing. At all. And no eggs. Also, the grown hens have stopped laying.

The new ones are about the size of small banties. They still "cheep"! I am feeding a 16% protein dairy mix/mash that has REALLY produced in the past.

What gives?

Not sure about the stopped growing part but they are still young to be laying yet.
Three months old even for production breeds is too young.
I have some that are 6 months old this week and I haven't seen an egg yet.

Edited to add, how old are the grown hens and are they moulting? Did they all stop laying at the same time. It is getting darker and I know production slows down when the days get shorter but I don't know why they would stop laying.
How long has it been since you have gotten an egg from the hens?
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The older hens are about three years - old enough for the pot if you ask me. They started dwindling down from a dozen a day to nothing for the past month. Usually we get eggs into November before they stop. They finished moulting a while back - we aren't loosing feathers or have a bunch of raggedy hens running around, so I think it is over. Unless the feathers are growing in and that is what is doing it to the older ones. Spring time looks like an egg factory.

The wee ones we had high hoped for, but they just seemd to stall out. Was thinking they kind of go through growth spurts and stops, but I don tknow this time. How big are red stars supposed to be at this age? They are tough, have lost only two to illness.

I have RIR crosses- golden comets and they have never stopped growing. I wonder if the dairy ration mixture has changed- are you sure it doesn't contain urea?
I'd be inclined to buy poultry grower feed in case the dairy ration is compromised.

Please let us know how your birds are doing!
Uh oh, never thought about urea...

Lemme get that checked out. Have wondered if the protien content is not what it used to be.

They are spunky, though! Roosters and some of the hens will try to take a hunk out of your hand when I try to put them up for the evening. They WILL stand thier ground.


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