I have a beautiful buff silkie rooster that is having some serious issues. He is closing in on a year old. I had him housed with some other young chickens in a grow out pen for quite some time where he was healthy as a horse until quite recently. After moving all the other chickens out of the growout pen(leaving only the roo and one hen) he seemed to lose control of his leg. I thought maybe he broke it jumping off of a roost(he learned to roost w/ some RIR babies) But it didn't feel broken and now it's been several weeks with n o improvement. I moved him into a smaller pen so he would not have as much moving around to do. No his leg(s) is limp, he can't walk, barely picks up his head and looks like he's about to croak. I definitely don't think it's a broken bone, he would've healed by now. He isn't sneezy or snotty in any way. I'm thinking now it may be neurological. He can't walk around. He has to flop himself over to get around the cage and he doesn't hold his head up. I don't know what to do. Any suggestions? I'm now desperate because I don't know how much longer he'll hold on.