need help identifying breed of my chick


12 Years
Jul 11, 2007
central ohio
I have a 4 week old chick that was sold to me as a standard red cochin. We bought 7 of them and six look alike. They are huge and have buff or red feathers and feathered green or yellow legs. the seventh chick is completely different. He/she is still fuzzy like a new chick everywhere but the wings. The wing feathers are short and white with brown and red speckles. the feet are yellow with a tiny bit of fuzz on them. The comb is so small it is hardly noticable at all and the chick is the size of my three week old bantam frizzle and mille fleur. the strangest thing is he has no tail. These chicks were an abandoned order at the hatchery when we picked up our order. They were one week old then and all looked the same. Any help would be great.

joyful homemaker
Up at the top of the screen is a link that says, "Uploads." Click on it, browse to find the picture you want to upload, resize if necessary, then click upload. After it does, right click on the URL under the picture to copy, then paste it where you want it in your post. It should already have the
Yes, click on the url under the pic in photobucket. On my account there are three under the pic, and I copy and paste the bottom one. Paste it into your post and cross your fingers...
I know nothing about cochins, but I did have a GLW chick this summer that was REALLY slow to feather out. I was sure it was a cockerel, but it looks now pretty sure that she's a she. I don't know why she was so much slower than my others (all were other breeds besides GLW), but all is well now and she's beautiful.

Did this chick start out the same size as the others?

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