Need help iding breeds in pics


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 19, 2010
Hello all,
I need to sell most of these chickens. I'd rather sell them as whatever breed they are. I would appreciate your input.

Mixed breed rooster, could be a red sex link.
Group pic---the brown hens and the rooster look like brown leghorns. I'm not sure on the white hens, could be california whites or mixed breeds.
Barred rock rooster
mixed breed hen
brown leghorn rooster.
Mixed breed rooster, could be a red sex link.
Group pic---the brown hens and the rooster look like brown leghorns. I'm not sure on the white hens, could be california whites or mixed breeds.
Barred rock rooster
mixed breed hen
brown leghorn rooster.
x2 the first looks like a red sex link

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