Need Help interpreting my Roo's body language!

Okay, so I have the biggest "chicken" rooster--he runs from all the other hens (they are older than him), yet he has pecked me a couple of times and my husband once. So, my questions is--how do you "get the boy in line"? When he pecked me, I immediately picked him up and held him for a minute and "scolded" him. I think hubby probably wasn't so nice...I'm thinking drop kick across the run....not really, but I'm sure he popped him a good one. What is the best way to handle this? I don't want to do the wrong thing and make him worse....

IMO, your DH handled it right. Become the aggressor. Chase him, make alot of noise, don't back down. Make sure he is the one that walks away first.
I have a BYC page on handling uppity roosters. I need to update it, but the basics are there.
one wing spread but down to his side ( makes me think of the rain dance Indians do) moving his feet faster than the rest of his body.

I would like to know this also! my bantam rooster does that toward me when im standing in the pen or reach to pick him up

That's wing dancing. Fine when he does it to the hens, not so fine when he's doing it towards you.
the wing dance is exactly what the others say! i/m your man and you belong to me. almost like he/s herding them into his own personal corral. don/t become too friendly w/ your roosters either. a lot of times the closer you get to the roosters the more they see you as a threat or competition. i let them stay to themselves and they keep a leary eye and usually stay out of my way
I agree. In addition, a rooster that's handled alot loses his fear of you. I like that my roo is just a little on edge when he sees me. He's just enough afraid of me that he knows better than to try anything stupid. Just my two cents.
That's like the ultimate flirting move!
That's so sweet!!!!!!! I wish my roo would do that for his ladies. Apparently he's lacking in the romantic department, although he's gentle enough to them whenever he does his thing - he just lacks that special flair.

Awwwe! That sounds like my boy!

I always thought it was good to hold your roosters, I only hold him at bed time when the coop is calm. When he is in the run with his girls I let him be "the man" other than if he tries to mount one while I am around, I was told that is a form of disrespect toward me!
When he does his "rain dance" thing around a hen with one wing down what he is saying is "How about it sweetie, let' get some loving done, I'm keen on you." The hen with either respond by squatting down or run of and turn him down.
They are really fun to watch, when he does his "rain dance" she looks at him like he's crazy but when he is telling her he found food she loves him to pieces.....seriously I am talking about the chickens, not my hubby & I
My Rooster does this sideways shimmy when he is getting the girls attention. It is his version, I think, of the electric SLIIIIIIDE. He flaps his wings often but so far has never been aggressive towards me. He has tried to mount two of the older pullets HAtched 5/15 they ignored him for the longest time he is a younger roo 7/20. No one is laying eggs yet but
When he is finding happy food he makes a chu-up Chu-up kind of sound. Sometimes I give him treats but he only makes the sounds when he finds something really good himself.

He will answer my crow if I don't see him - Sometimes he takes the girls on a walk about in our woods. Good eating in the woods lots of berries still on vines. He is good about leading the tour back to the coop when I call. I have two small coops and recently he has been roosting in the coop with the older girls.

Watching them is funny. I offer different kinds of treats from time to time. I thought for sure I would get a chur up from him when I got alfalfa sprouts but I got nothing - He loved the ham scraps I tossed to him! He has no name in case he goes mean and I have to send him to freezer camp but I really like him so far! I only hold him now and then when I catch him. None of my chickens are snuggly cuddly. I wish they were but they just are not.

Jax FL
That's like the ultimate flirting move!
That's so sweet!!!!!!! I wish my roo would do that for his ladies. Apparently he's lacking in the romantic department, although he's gentle enough to them whenever he does his thing - he just lacks that special flair.

Isn't he just getting a running start, and his balance, to hop on the hen's back?
That's like the ultimate flirting move!
That's so sweet!!!!!!! I wish my roo would do that for his ladies. Apparently he's lacking in the romantic department, although he's gentle enough to them whenever he does his thing - he just lacks that special flair.

Isn't he just getting a running start, and his balance, to hop on the hen's back?

I don't know, he is circling her and she just goes about her business. When I have seen him get up the urge to hop on, he just walks up to her and hops on, no romance involved there!

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