NEED HELP NOW!!! Baby chick wont pick up his head


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 9, 2009
sarasota, Florida
I just transported my 8 day old chicks to there new how and place them in their cage and noticed the chick wont pick up his head and just scoots around with his head down whats wrong. He was just fine untill we move them plz help me
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he seems to partially pick his head up when he walks around. But then he will stick it between his legs, and kind of shake it for a minute. other than that he seems to be ok. he is eating, drinking and somewhat socializing. all the others are fine, and he was fine up until we transported all of them. please help, this is my first batch of chicks and I am really attatched, i dont want him to get worse!!!
He could possibly have wry neck. Try squeezing a vitamin E capsule into his beak twice a day and see if he improves. You might also want to separate him so he doesn't get trampled by the rest of the group.

Best of luck to you.
Yep. Just poke a hole in the end of capsule with a pin and squeeze the whole thing into the chicks beak.
Do a search for wry neck, what breed is he? also, get some polyvisol liquid baby vitamins without iron( in the pharmacy section of walmart, walgreens etc), put a couple drops on his beak twice a day for 5 days- any other symptoms?
we think he is going to be a polish chicken becasue of the shape of his head. he just seems to be putting his head between his legs and kind of scooting backwords from time to time. he is able at some points to pick his head up and walk around. he put his head so far between his legs he flipped over.


if you do isolate him from the rest keep a close eye on him cause' if he gets to stressed over bein' alone it will just make him worse
we tried to move him from the group but he got worse so we put him in a box inside the cage with the rest, and he jumped out to be with them. so we are going to go buy him vitamins, thanks for the help. we just got really attatched to them and dont want him to be hurt!! thank you again for your thoughts they were extremely helpful!! any other advice on what we can do for him??
It definitely looks like wry neck to me. My daughters Silkie looked just like that and vitamin E for a week or two (I can't remember for sure how long because it was 2 years ago) straightened her neck right up.

I'm sure it will be fine in with the others, but just watch to be certain it isn't getting trampled. If it looks like it is getting run over, separate it with another chick or two. That way it will have company and won't stand the risk of being trampled.

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