Need help on bait for live trap.

Are your birds not locked up at night? If you've an idea were the critter is coming from, smooth the ground over the area and lightly sift some flour over it. Then take some pics of the foot prints you get. It will can help in identifying what your dealing with. A mature red fox will seldom go into a cage trap, though young of the year more often will. Gray foxes seem less hesitant. Sardines, hotdogs, bacon grease, eggs, etc... are all decent baits. If you want to avoid catching neighborhood cats then use a sweet bait like marshmallows (good eye appeal for some critters), molasses, etc... Cats are missing the correct gene to allow them to taste sweets and generally have no interest in them.
Although it is not impossible, fox are reluctant to enter a box trap. Snares or legholds are far more effective for trapping fox.
We are having fox issues right now. We did catch the youngins in a live trap and a opposum. But not the mama fox.

What we were doing was...with two live traps set to make the letter "T" ,,then put a live young rooster in the top part. (We wired a plastic tub inside and had water and food for the rooster (he is the live bait). Otherwise, he would kick it over. The trap is closed so nothing can get to the rooster. The other trap was left open and we camo'ed it a bit. We caught the posom but no adult fox. We have seen the fox many times and at all different times of the day. He makes his catch when I let them out to free range. Yesterday I was on patrol with a shot gun (son had the 22 rifle) for about 15 minutes. I went in to go use the bathroom and never made it there. I saw the fox through the window. Before I could get back outside and grab the gun, my son took a shot and missed. We have firgured out the path it takes going back to it's general area/ home. So, I took the shortcut running (hard to do on gravel with flip-flops) down to the pasture and sure enough we could see the fox. My son took another shot and missed,,, ran out of bullets (I hope that is a lesson learned to have a pocket of them!) He ran back to the house as I continued to crouch along the high field grass that kept me covered. I got close enough to take a shot and my son was back and being cocky and would NOT GET DOWN on the ground when I was motioning to him. He was so sure he made a hit the first two times that it was injured. I was livid because the fox saw him and took off walking fast then running before I could make the shot. The fox did not appear injured.
I was
To date the fox has swiped a duck, 2 guineas, several chickens and I managed to save a couple chickens. I hope to get it this weekend. Maybe that will be my Mother's Day gift!!

Sorry for the long post.

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