Need help picking breeds


Mar 16, 2021
I'm trying to start my own smaller flock. Maybe 10 to 15 chickens and 1 roo? I'm just not sure what breed or breeds to pick. Id love s breed that lays a decent amount of eggs and would love something that lays color. I'd prefer it not to be a "mutt" since they don't breed true. Later on id like to get an incubator and let some hatch. Any good breeds you guys can think of?
Sorry didn't even think of that. I live in mainly hot/humid weather, and a couple days that will drop to the freezing temps.
It's a great question because as a newbie years ago I did this all wrong. I got 8 Rhode Island Reds having no idea that even though there is a "short list," of Chickens who have aggressive tendency - they are on it. Also, my kids who wanted to name them all... well that was impossible they all looked the same. So I had mean chickens with no names (I did call them Crazy, Weirdo and Dinner,) and the kids were afraid to go near them, not very fun. But they were great layers! Now I get only nice, all different color chickens that lay all different color eggs. I have
Creme Legbar(light gold/brown chicken, blue eggs,)
French Copper Marans (nice black chicken, dark brown eggs,),
Easter Eggers (super nice golden/brown chicken, green and blue eggs,)
Oliver Egger (nice dark barred chicken, big olive eggs,)
Blue Laced Barnevelder (blue laced brown chicken, dark brown egg,)
Buff and Lavender Orpington (super nice yellow or lavendar chicken, pink egg.)
Other very nice chickens I've had: Blue and Black Australorp Any Orpington...
I steer totally clear of RIR's and any mix that is of RIR's, Leghorns and (unfortunately,)
Good luck and have fun!!! I still have a blast every winter/spring planning breeds based on chicken and egg color and friendliness!
Do you want a rooster in your flock? All one breed or a few different breeds? (One breed most will look the same). What temperament are you looking for?
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