Need help Please -- duckling w/ curled foot


16 Years
Jan 11, 2007
One of my hatchlings has a right foot that is curled up,claw-like. The foot looks normal, just curled. WHat should I do? I really hate to cull him, so am wondering if maybe it could be taped or something,to help it straighten out..?
I've never tried taping on a duck but I've had good success with it on chickens. I say give it a shot. Lay a piece of duct tape sticky side up on the floor place the ducks foot on it and straighten it so that it's flat. Then put another piece of duct tape on top sandwiching the ducks foot between the two sticky sides. Trim the tape to fit. Fingers crossed for you.
Is he getting around ok? Was he hatched like that or possible that it could be an injury? If he can get around ok, then I would leave him alone, but I'm sure someone will come along with more advice soon. Good luck!
Get out your tape and and wooden match sticks. Tape the match sticks on its foot (under each toe to back of foot should be a match stick) to make a make shift cast. You will have to do this everyday because of the moisture that can get in cast. After a few days it should be as good as the others. Hope this helps. Oh yes and let them swim a litle each day to help the foot, we just put it in the water with the cast on and after would dry foot and replace cast.
OK, well,we improvised,& used a triangle ducky-foot-shaped piece of a box of fruit snacks and taped her little foot to it....she seemed to be able to walk better after a few stumbles. I just do not want to cull her,because I think she has ducky cerebral palsy, because her muscles are really tight in that foot. My son,who is 21 months old today,has CP as well. CP is caused by lack of oxygen to the brain,resulting in brain damage,& among other things muscles that are either too tight or too loose,and she has many symptoms of it. Maybe she got stuck in her egg,was lacking in oxygen for awhile.
LOL maybe I am thinking TOO much about this dang little quacker,but it's the Mama in me!! I named her Leigh,as my son is Gavin Lee,& I think she's a girl,as the female quackers are a lot louder than the guys.

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