Need help - problem with chicken butt


10 Years
Aug 4, 2009
I feel horrible for exposing my sweet Dolly this way on the internet, but I'm worried about her. What's up with this? Do I need to clean her (and how?) or is this a sign of something wrong? She's acting normal but this is nasty and none of the other girls' bottoms look like this. Thanks for your help and advice.

I would soak her in a tub of warm water and get that all cleaned off...could be that some poo got stuck on some new feathers growing in and now she has a pasty butt thing going on. Once cleaned off see if it happens again. What I do is take a gloved hand and just swish this under water until it's all gone. Use a little dawn dish washing liquid.
Does Dolly lay eggs? When was the last time she layed?
Its difficult to tell from the photo, but is that dried blood surrounding the pooh?
I would definitely clean her off; pick off the dry stuff and try wet wipes for the rest. You need to see whats going on under that pooh.
She lays every day and acts normal. Thanks for the advice! I will work on cleaning her up and see what's going on under there.

Never thought I'd be washing a chicken butt -- the things we do for our girls
I don't see any blood (could be my computer tho) but once you get it cleaned off you may see redness from the poo being stuck to the skin and irritating it. I would also put some Vaseline/veggie oil on her vent and around it a bit so the poo does not stick again. Let us know how it goes once she is all cleaned up. Good luck!
Never thought I'd be washing a chicken butt

HAHA That's exactly what I said! But I have done LOTS now...especially little chick butts. Have fun!

I had a few hens do this before and turned out the normal poo got stuck to the new feathers growing in and just went from there. I hope that is all it is. The poo stuck does seem to look pretty normal to me.​
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Washing is just the beginning. It's best to blow dry them too. No, I'm not joking, you don't want her to get chilled and most of them really seem to enjoy the process. It's good for a laugh when your family or co-workers asked what you did today...
Im having the same problem with my chicken Georgia was dolly's flapper on the top of her head down to the side?

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