Need help taming an aggressive rooster

Good article, C, both in handling advice, moving around in the flock, and again, a reminder that genetics matter in this.
There's no way I'd ever passively allow any cockerel or cock bird to attack me!!! Glad it works for you, but it's never going to happen here.
I do not generally allow it to happen. You see and report forward only what suites your interest. When you keep in a lifetime totally, the number of adult roosters I keep in a year, I will consider your thoughts more thoroughly.
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Just days before today, my rooster would come up to me asking to be pet and held. Now it’s like something switched in his brain and he’s attacked me four times since i went in to feed them and clean out the coop, he would have tried again if I hadn’t locked him up in the run.
I hand raised him from when he was a chick and he recently had an injury that I had to treat every day for weeks straight, I would bring him to the garage and lay him on his back so I could clean the wound. So the point is I’ve handled him so much and he is usually the friendliest of the flock, but just this morning he’s a whole different chicken.
The first time he attacked me I picked him up and cradled him on his back like a baby, the second time I full on hung him in the air from his feet and when I put him down he kept attacking me every couple minutes until I pit him in temporary jail.
What do I do??
He’s like a pet to me and I can’t bare the thought of killing him or just giving him to someone who would kill him.
Is there any way at all that I could stop this behavior without hurting him? What are some methods other than picking him up?
have you tried to fluff back at him or pop him it ould show that you are the dominant one I had trouble a while back and that seemed to help
have you tried to fluff back at him or pop him it ould show that you are the dominant one I had trouble a while back and that seemed to help
if that doesn't work I would consider carrying a stick with you at all times all of my roosters now know that if the sticks out they are in trouble

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