Need help useing the Acurite Digital Thermoneter

Julie's Silkies

11 Years
Jul 27, 2008
Gloucester, Virginia
I just got one from wally world and have no ideal how to read it . useng it in the LG 9200 with the turner for the temp do I go by the top numbers or the middle and were is the best place to set it in the bator.

Should I go by the temp for inside or outside
Thank you
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This is the same on I use.. I have the black probe sitting on my eggs.. You read the Middle number for temp and the bottom for Humidity.. So far mine is right on on the temps
Normally they come with directions........................ just sayin.

The probe will be the out temperature. You can set the thermometer outside of the incubator and the IN temp is the air temp outside of the incubator. Stick the wire with probe on it where you want it INSIDE of the incubator, that will be the out temp. Not logical, unless you remember that these devices are intended to sit in your window and read the temp inside your house, and outside your house by means of the probe that you would run to the outside.

Is that clear as mud? I hope that helps.

You can PM me if you need to.

Remember, the probe does not measure humidity. Folks often make that mistake. You must have the entire unit in the bator to read humidity with it. And after being closed in a very wet environment for weeks, it can read completely off, if it isn't already off.

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