need help with a name


10 Years
May 26, 2013
Washington State
So I just got a fishy for my birthday. Its what I wanted. He is a Betta, or Siamese Fighting Fish. He is blue and beautiful with flowing fins all over him. My problem is that i am stumped for a name. I am not good at naming things. There are a bunch of people here with really clever names for their animals and Iwas wondering if someone could help me with a good name for my fish. Something sort of noble sounding or cute even but that is easy to say so when I talk to him I can call him that....not too much to ask for right?
Im really stuck here...He needs to be called something...
I wanted to name my betta fish "Alpha" because I thought Alpha Betta was adorable. But then my mom named it something else that is not so family friendly...
I wanted to name my betta fish "Alpha" because I thought Alpha Betta was adorable. But then my mom named it something else that is not so family friendly...
thats funny. I was leaning toward pharaoh as I love things that are Egyptian. Anything to do with the 18th dynastic period or thereabouts. King Tutankhamun, Imhotep, Amarna, etc. But somehow these names are all too big and too grand for a little tiny fish...
those are good...i am sorta leaning toward pharaoh as he will "rule the tank". Hoping to get some females some day and try breeding them. Will be a ways off though. Ultimately I want saltwater tanks to raise seahorses in, but Rome wasnt built in a day i guess. Have to start somewheres. Thanks for your input.

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