Need help with a predator


In the Brooder
Feb 16, 2015
Over the last three weeks I've been gotten by a predator snacking on birds. I've narrowed it do to either a bobcat or coyote with babies. Any ideas on how to stop it?
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Dig down 6 inches and out 2 feet. Lay down 1/2" wire mesh. Attach that to your base and cover with dirt. When the predator tries to dig under, it will hit the mesh and cant get under.
How is it gettimg in? Is there any way you can lock them in the coop at night? Or maybe lock them somewhere til you get the predator?
Becuz it snowed recently I found out how it's getting in which makes me think it's a bobcat its climbing a tree to climb in the pen and it attacks mid-day
Oh wow can you set a trap away from the coop? That is sneaky so yes I would say bobcat. How is it getting back out?
Conservation won't allow me to set a trap until season. I'm not sure becuz this last time It caught one of ducks and it made a mess load of prints in the coop yard
See last summer we had a 6ft black snake that kept all predators away for the low price of one egg a week
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I'm sorry to hear about your predator troubles! I suggest posting in the Predators and Pests section for some good answers: Predators and Pests

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