- May 25, 2011
- 6
- 0
- 7
This will be day thirteen (if I've counted correctly) of my Barred Rock broody sitting on seven eggs (Her first try). I'm pretty sure they were feritle and she started her clutch in a nest box, and we weren't smart enough to move her until yesterday to be sectioned off from the other hens. She took the move just fine. My worry is that she has been off the nest here and there due to other hens taking her nest while she was eating/drinking. She would come back, her nest occupied and sit on other eggs. I caught this happen twice, not sure how long she was off. I would just move her back. The weather has been between 35 degrees and 60 degrees, kinda crazy weather. Anyhow, I tried to candle the eggs, and am not that great at it. So, I really don't know if they are still good or not. She is still sitting and seems determined. Should I let this play out, or start her with new eggs?