Need help with Duck Foot problems (Bumblefoot?)



Before I post, please note that Evie has foot and wing deformities from birth (I adopted them at around 3 weeks old.) He seems to be missing some toenails and one wing is very short/undeveloped? So I am not sure if this is contributing to his foot problems. Also, i know his name is Evie but HE is a he, lol. I misjudged genders when I named Evie and Sawyer (she's a girl :))

A couple weeks ago, my poor duck started limping.
There are tons of predators around here, so their pen is on the wooden deck and they do spend most of their time running around on it, or I put them in the grass to run around very supervised.
Evie is clumsy and has fallen off the deck recently a couple times. These are the only things I can think of that may have caused this.. Either poor walking surfaces (from what I've been told recently) or something that caused a sore, and the sore got infected {*bumblefoot?}

Anyway, facebook peeps tell me that it's bumblefoot, and some of them say it's not. So I've been meaning to make a thread on here, because i know everyone is very knowledgeable. I am really hoping whatever it is, we've caught it soon enough that it can be easily treated.

Right now, we are every day, usually after they spend a couple hours in their kiddie pool, taking Evie and I hold him in my lap and we have a bin that he sits in that is filled with warm water and Epsom salts. After that, he graciously lets my husband apply polysporin to each foot, after like a disinfectant wipe thing that comes in first aid kits. Then we put a sock on him (a small sock) and wrap it in tape. We've been doing this for about ten days now? I'll post pics, one taken on May 4 and one on May 14.

I hope someone can help identify what this is, a possible improvement to our current treatment routine, and hope that this will eventually go away. My understanding is that, if it's bumblefoot, it's not an overnight solution but weeks..... Thank you in advance.

First of all, this is who we're dealing with: The little spoiler on the left is Evie


May 4

May 14

I honestly feel sad that I see not much improvement in the two photos. The other foot has one sore on it. I will try to get a photo of that one too.
It sounds like you are headed in the right direction. You could also apply Betadine and/or peroxide.
Here is a blog with info regarding duck bumblefoot:
Posts like these tend to get lost in the chicken forums, so might want to check out the duck forum:
Sounds like a sweet baby. If it is not bumblefoot, are you thinking sprain?

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