Need help with pregnant lab...*update*still no pups :(

She's not nesting or digging around or anything, just laying on the couch...ticked off at being "violated" with a thermometer....and snoring like a madwoman.

We have some beach towels on the floor in our master bath so that we can be close and keep the kids away from her...vinyl floor, easy to clean, yadda yadda yadda. We have been putting her in there periodically to give her a break from the kids.

Do you really think tonight?
Waiting with baited breath here !
(no puppy births in the smileys)
I would not be surprised! You wont hear her either...Mine was silent as a lamb but something made me wake up to check her and voila there was puppy # 1 I was so excited I called my mom at 3:00 in the morning! She was just as excited as I was!!!!
Chad, my hubby, keeps saying no way....

He doesn't think she's pregnant anymore....she reabsorbed her first litter...but her last litter she had 8, 4males 4 females, 4 chocolate and 4 black. We lost the runt but otherwise had 7 BEAUTIFUL labs!
In any case, as long as she is restful and not pushing with no result, I wouldn't panic just yet.

We've had girls a few days late; our vet tells us they're not truly at risk until they're about 5 days past their due date.

They usually don't reabsorb this late. If you've seen the "puppy bumps" it's generally a sure thing.

Good luck! I whelp a litter every month or so, so if you have any questions, let me know ; )
if u feel her tummy are there still puppy lumps??? I would think it would take a lot to reabsorb pups that big....and at a certain point I didn't think they reabsorbed them but instead miscarried....I don't know though....
Well we can take bets on they do at work when someone is having a baby....

1) what time will this occur
2) what date will this occur
3) how many puppies

etc etc!

My guess
1) 11:30
2) today
3) 9 puppies leaning towards 10

Lets see who gets winnings here just for fun!!!!
Forgot to add:

Stand over her, you can put your arms around her abdomen, link your fingers together (like the "here is the church, here is the steeple" fingerplay) and, without unlinking your fingers, pull your hands up into her lower tummy. You're looking for lumps or movement. It takes a bit of practice, but you should be able to feel something.

If she's had a big litter before, she could be carrying them differently this time. I've seen mommies who didn't look pregnant at all have litters of 11.
you should be able to see them move around,lay her on the floor on her side and scratch her belly so she lays still,you should be able to see and feel them move around..sense you said she was licking herself alot about a week ago and now doesnt look pregnant she could have had them early and lost them,was she ever outside at any time by herself for more then an hour or so?..if she did she may have eaten them and you may not find anything to tell if she did..I have seen dogs that hardly look pregnant have a bunch,but when they look huge then not it usually isnt a good sign..tho they are animals and they will sometimes pull a fast one on you..did you have her tested and the sire tested for brucellosis before breeding?..its a STD and causes them to whelp early and or be sterile,its a good idea to test everything for this before you breed them,its just a simple blood draw.

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