Need help with sex and breed please

Billy Mahone

Oct 15, 2020
Sydney, Australia
All 3 are 6 weeks old. Thank you

I'll let someone else comment on the breeds and genders.
Those birds are sick.
Where did you get them?
What are they eating?
What does their poop look like?
How is their breathing?

ETA: if you don't have Corid, go to your nearest farm store and get it and start them on it ASAP. I would direct drench each bird once daily for 3 to 5 days with 1/8 tsp of straight Corid if you get the 9.6% liquid.
That will cover them if it's coccidiosis but answering the other questions will help hone in on why they look like they do.
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I'll let someone else comment on the breeds and genders.
Those birds are sick.
Where did you get them?
What are they eating?
What does their poop look like?
How is their breathing?
Agreed. They are quite sick. First thing I noticed.

All appear to be mixed breeds and look like pullets for now. Focus on getting them well and post update pics then.

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