Need help with sick pullet

I'm sorry about your loss.

You have received good advice and ideas from ChickenCanoe and islandgirl82.

The only thing that I can add, is the possibility of Cocci. Since she was "new" to your property she may have encountered a strain of Cocci that overloaded her system. Cocci usually affects chicks, but it is not unheard of in older chickens especially if exposure has been limited (kept on wire floors, etc.) where they came from.

Video of chick with cocci - chick starts about 1:53
Remove the stomach, gizzard, liver, spleen and intestine, leaving the intestine attached to the vent. Examine the heart, lungs, reproductive organs and kidneys.
Cut longways through the stomach, gizzard, intestine and ceca. Observe any parasites present or any off odors - especially in the crop and intestines.
Without a microscope to examine tissue, you won't be able to observe changes caused by illness or the presence of microscopic viruses, bacteria or other pathogens.
Look for large lesions or any changes in color, size, shape of any organ. Look for tumors, inflammation, dead tissue and accumulation of fluid.
Cut down the windpipe from the back of the mouth to the lungs.

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