Need help with single-chicken coop


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 16, 2012
We have a special needs hen (Cochin mix maybe smallish, or large for a bantam) that has ended up in her own coop. It's a 24" square hutch that is covered- it has a wire bottom. We originally isolated her because we thought she might have something that could spread to the rest of the flock. Turns out it seems she must have been injured and has some nerve problems. He legs are weak, but she's otherwise fine. She seems to like being our "front yard" chicken, or as my daughter caller her, the "guard chicken." She free ranges most of the day now, and usually chooses to stay in the front, but sometimes joins the other chickens in the back yard. The rest of the time she poops on my front steps, cleans the bugs out of my bushes and otherwise acts like a socialized yard ornament. We are far from the road, and she's never even made it half way there.

Now, we're in central Florida, so we don't have major cold weather, but I've never had a chicken alone. Is she fine if we put down hay and cover the cage if we get a hard frost or colder? How about a little enclosed nest box? We have thought about seeing if she will adopt some chicks next time we get some since she is so very calm and timid, but that won't work till Feb or so.
Well first off she won't accept chicks as her own unless shes broody.

You would have look into getting hr a buddy tho forsure. But if its just that she has weak legs, it might be because she was weak in the shell (Was helped out before she needed) or it could be genetic. If shes otherwise healthy, I would let her into the main flock. Otherwise I would look into getting her a buddy.
Is she that girl {on the little girls shoulder} in your avatar? If so, She looks like a cochin, but does she have a pea comb?
Can we see a in color picture?
Nope, the hen in the photo is a blue Orphington.

I'll try to get a good photo of the chicken in question tomorrow. She's black with the slight greenish tint- not grey at all. No comb to speak of, black legs, three toes, a bit of a funny tuft on her head, but nothing like a silkie. I need to search photos again now that she's older. She is about 5 months old. She was from the feed store, but she was the lone chicken left so they just gave her to my DD. She was raised with her two NNs that were about the same age until the leg thing started. We won't hatch any of her eggs since we don't know if it's genetic or an injury, but the leg issue started suddenly, not gradually, when she was around 6-8 weeks, so we guessed it was an injury.

She can't perch, so I really hesitate putting her in the coop. I don't think she could get in it easily either since it's off the ground a fair bit. I could just randomly choose another chicken to put with her I guess- I'm not short on chickens. I just think any one I pick will beat her up. She really seems to be happy.

My son is looking to get 1-2 Bantams for the state fair, so perhaps they could live together. Hmmmmmm.
Nope, the hen in the photo is a blue Orphington.

I'll try to get a good photo of the chicken in question tomorrow. She's black with the slight greenish tint- not grey at all. No comb to speak of, black legs, three toes, a bit of a funny tuft on her head, but nothing like a silkie. I need to search photos again now that she's older. She is about 5 months old. She was from the feed store, but she was the lone chicken left so they just gave her to my DD. She was raised with her two NNs that were about the same age until the leg thing started. We won't hatch any of her eggs since we don't know if it's genetic or an injury, but the leg issue started suddenly, not gradually, when she was around 6-8 weeks, so we guessed it was an injury.

She can't perch, so I really hesitate putting her in the coop. I don't think she could get in it easily either since it's off the ground a fair bit. I could just randomly choose another chicken to put with her I guess- I'm not short on chickens. I just think any one I pick will beat her up. She really seems to be happy.

My son is looking to get 1-2 Bantams for the state fair, so perhaps they could live together. Hmmmmmm.

Def. not a cochin! lol. 3 toes???? Was she injured or was it genetic??? That is CREEPY!
Cochins don't have tufts, have yellow legs, and come in any color. lol.

Well, do you havr all standards? A few good breeds with her is salmon favorelle, silkie, cochin, {all bantams, except the faverolle, it can come in either}, or anything along those sort. Sebrights, or D'uccles are good, but like OEGB are too fiesty.

Best of luck :}
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Here she is. (Yeah, so that took forever. LOL) And yes, she sits on the front porch, greets everyone that pulls in the driveway, and acts like a dog.
We gave her a young chicken friend (probably a rooster... but only 8ish weeks, so we aren't sure) and she also started laying this week. :)

The lady at the feed store said they were selling black sex-links when we got her.

Hubby ended up making her a private "hen house" for in the cage that looks like a mini dog house. We put some waste hay in the bottom and her and her little friend sleep in it. They free range all day.
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