Need ideas for a roof on home made kennel please!!!

I really like that run Yellowchicks. How exactly did you do the roof?
You will need to weld cross bar(s) to the frame to support the panels on the top, spacing at 2 ft interval. Place the plastic enclosure strip beneath the overlapping polycarbonate panels, then secure them with fasteners to the cross bar and the frame.

Our run and the coop are connected purely by fit. The run is tugged underneath the shingle roof of the coop, fit between the two rafters. To separate them (if we ever need to move), we would just tip the coop and pull out the run...assuming all bedding on the ground is removed first.

Couple tips on building the plastic roof:
1. Provide a 4:1 roof pitch to reduce water and snow load, it is easier to keep the roof clean.
2. Use the recommended fasteners. The washers help to prevent leak and keep the screws in place.
3. Have someone help to hold the strip and the panels in place or temporarily tape it conform to the angle of the roof.
4. Give it at least a 12" overhang to help keep the bedding dry.
5. Polycarbonate is much more UV stable than PVC material, more rigid and more expensive.
6. Figure out first what is the most economical dimensions to minimize waste.
7. Clear roof provides more natural light; color roof provide more shading...depending on your location.
8. Use the plastic enclosure strip to increase the rigidity of the corrugated roof panels.
9. A 6' high run will make your life (and your back) a lot easier.
10. Excess panels can be used in the winter to shield the lower half of the run from snow.

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