Need opinions on this chicken house.

Pet Duck Boy

10 Years
Dec 12, 2009
Orlando, FL
It's not really a coop, but it's all I can really get at the moment. My parents don't have time at all to go around and buy supplies needed to build our own, though it would be much cheaper. Any opinions? I live in FL, so ventilation is bigger than insulation. This chicken house seems to provide this. I have 8 chicks atm, but I can part with 3-4. I'm pretty sure I have production reds, which I hear are slightly smaller than RIRs, could I get away with keeping 5 in this? I plan to let them out and forage 7-9 hours a day. Depending on weather. Seems like there's good reviews, and it should arive in a week it says. Which is good, I need this as soon as possible. I have 8 2 1/2 week old chicks that have no adult home.
post on craigs list for free wood for coop. i live in wisconsin and i got ALL of my wood for free. just list what you need and sizes and then wait for the replies to come in. mine came in almost immediatly. all i have to buy ar the nails and some metal thingys to hold up the rafters and the fardware mesh. my coop will be 5ft x 4ft and with the run, all together will be 13 ft x 5 ft. even if you bought the materials for the coop you have shown, it will still be ALOT cheaper than buying it cuz you have to include shipping too. well good luck.
Actually I did post several craigslist ads, but I got absoloutly NOTHING. I don't have plans, and me and my dad are in no way handy. The shipping on this item costs 15$ for the lowest, which is what I want to get.
I've seen it in person at the feed store--its OK. its not fabulous for the money you plan on spending but it would be OK for 2, maybe 3 hens. The run is NOT predator proof by any means though--you'd need to make it more secure before trusting it. Good luck with the chickens!
Well, the way I see it, if you can put something like that together, you can build a much larger one for less money from materials available at many feed stores. Maybe have to stop at Home Depot for a few things, but think about it. Being in FL, all you need is shade and rain protection, nothing fancy. You don`t need that little box as long as your nest box is reasonably dry. My 2 cents, build your own simple pen and keep all your birds. You know you will want more at some point. Good luck.....Pop
That is NOT big enough if you want to keep all your chicks. I've had both red sex links and EEs, and the sex links are smaller in body than RIRs, BUT they eat a LOT to produce all those nice eggs, and that means a LOT of poo. You will have a huge poopy nasty mess really fast.

I would totally NOT reccommend that coop. Try looking for someone's old gardening shed, or just an old coop from a farm that nobody wants anymore. You can fix it up pretty quickly, and get yourself a run built for WAY less than that coop will cost.
I made mine, before i had chickens i didn't know that i would love keeping them so i went to home depot, measured up one of their tough sheds nad came home and replicated it myself. i am not handy but i built lego's as a small kid, cant be that different right? Right! so now i have a chicken coop that if i get bored (yeah right!) of keeping chickens i can just add some siding to cover the chicken wire and have another garden shed.

The pictures that i can see make it look pretty flimsy (weak) and small for the money, i would save yourself $200 find a friend with a truck and head to your local home depot/lowes etc.
Hmm, thanks guys! The way you put it it seem easy, my parents are just negative!

Maybe I should get a small shed?

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