need quick answer about space!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 29, 2008
I have 8 hens all are laying I have a coop with 4 boxes although someone seems to prefer the corner of the coop
I have a small run but I need to add on so that I can keep them in the majority of the time (currently the are free range all day) since they are eating all my flowers and tearing up my flower beds and pooping on my sidewalk........on and on and on so I need to no how much room do you think they need to be comfortable?? I'm shooting to build this weekend so please let me know soon thanks for the help!
My opinion is to give them as much as you can. I like to give them more than one area for a run so that you can "rotate" them. When the grass gets tore up (and it will get tore up quick) you can rotate them to the other run while the grass recovers.

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